Jacob McAdam
Product Designer
Web Design
Web Development

Park Avenue Catering

A website overhaul of visual design, user experience, and content architecture

Project Brief

Background & Objectives

The client’s home page was compact often hiding content under roll-over and toggle-click effects. We determined that expanding information and having it immediately visible as text and images would help with click-through rates. The client also wanted to implement a new “spotlight” feature which would display previous catering events they’ve put together. In addition, various pages in the site had additional content and functionality improved with the overall design changes.

My Role & Stakeholders

I was the designer and developer, and worked directly with the client.

Skills & Tools Applied

The home page before the redesign was cramped, and all content was hidden under image block roll-over effects.

Former website home page

Final Design Enhancements

A new home page design used a two-column layout of text and images. A blog was introduced as a way of showcasing past events Park Avenue Catering has put together. Each blog post had a unique layout that sampled photos, a color palette, and menu served at the event. Typography and color was reset and re-selected for each page template.

Home page design
Wedding spotlight design

New behavior was added to the website to enhance user experience. This included zoom hover states to indicate linked images, and an endless page loader to make browsing easier to use.

Much of the website’s photography was overhauled. It took some experimenting to get the typography to set effectively, but a general hierarchical system was settled.

Portrait of Jacob McAdam looking into the distance with cubes of light behind him.
project by Jacob McAdam

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